Years of whiteout changed the world, giving it a clean slate with which to write a new post-apocalyptic portion of its history. The city, established around the Generator and its vital heat, has grown and progressed over the years.

Thirty years have passed since the fierce storm that concluded the first chapter of the story of survival of humanity in Frostpunk. We leave you with a brief overview of the game created by 11 bit studios itself: We remind you that Frostpunk 2 will have like release period 2024 and, above, you can view one trailer. Because, in the end, what can put an end to us is not nature itself, but nature human nature“.

We still use the post-apocalyptic setting to tell a meaningful story about human ambition, about societies fighting for their ideas and the consequences of difficult decisions that are not always respected by all. “But this time the internal turmoil, sparked by growing social differences, imply that the players will have to face new types of threats that go beyond the mere survival of the first game. “ Frostpunk 2 is still a game on city and on his society“, he has declared Jakub Stokalski, co-director and design director of 11 bit studios, in a press release. As the city of New London expands and coal supplies dwindle, oil is "expected to be the new salvation of what’s left of humanity.” But not everyone in the new world agrees, and the 30-second trailer uses part of the previous teaser to show how the search for oil can have deadly consequences.Xbox Showcase: the trailer and the release period of Frostpunk 2 It looks like Frostpunk 2 will be less about burning coal and wood and more about burning oil. Survivors had to band together to search for coal and wood to burn as well as steel to build up industry so that humanity could survive the long winter. The game puts players in control of a post-apocalyptic city that's trying to survive the freezing temperatures brought on by a volcanic winter.

The original Frostpunk was a runaway success for Warsaw-based 11 Bit Studios, selling 1.4 million copies in its first year. As promised in the teaser video from last June, today's announcement reveals one of the three games that 11 Bit is currently working on, and Frostpunk 2 is perhaps the least surprising of them all. Frostpunk 2 is on the way, according to developer 11 Bit Studios.