It shows under rhino preferences that there are 8 commands I can program. I was able to assign some viewing modes to three of the buttons. this is not the lock horizon or camera/ helicopter codes. I tried mapping show popup menu which then calls up a small window in rhino with (show driver preferences, rotations on/off, pan on/off, toggle dominate filter) if i click on show driver preferences it is the window that is opened under the apps not the window from "rhino preferences". Using the menu button in rhino like this nothing happens. Under the Buttons menu is a Button menu configuration option which after using defaults it selects Button menu, fit, T, R, F, Roll CW to 3d Mouse default. I did what you said to try to map the menu button but under device it only controls the speed and cap dominate option. Is this the same as what you were talking about? I am not sure where to find the lock horizon option.I did find the 3/Dconnection in rhino preferences and there was an option for rotate plan parallel views I turned it on and then I was able to rotate and tilt. Thank your for getting back to me so quickly. Hold down Shift and Ctrl to allow the SpaceMouse Pro to rotate in Parallel Views. Rhino uses the basic 3Dconnexion device driver - all of the functions are part of Rhino. McNeel technical support is the authority in this area since the navigation is written inside their software. Rhino docs mention that they have added support for the Space Navigator in their Mac version - that should allow navigation with the SpaceMouse Pro as well. The SpaceMouse Pro and the Space Navigator use the same Mac driver and navigation is the same for both devices - the difference is in the number of buttons available. In Rhino Options - 3Dconnexion Buttons a button should be mapped to !_SpaceMouse Popup_Menu This maps the Menu button to Application Use so that it can open Rhino's pop-up menu with the 'Lock Horizon' option as well as Camera and Helicopter modes. Open 3DConnexion Properties in System Preferences and select Configure - Rhinocerous to open the Rhino profile. Un-check 'Lock Horizon' to enable the Roll axis.

Rhino turns the Roll axis off by default with its 'Lock Horizon' option to keep the ground plane from moving.